VOC highlights different VOC leaders, in all capacities, so that we can share with you the inspiring work they do to care for Colorado's outdoors! Here, we'd like to give a shout out to Steve West.
Steve is a long-time VOC volunteer and full-time employee at Lockheed Martin. He serves as an OSI Instructor, Crew Leader, Technical Advisor or Team Lead, depending on the VOC project. Among Steve's impressive contributions to VOC is his involvement with launching the "adopt" program, wherein VOC's top, proven leaders undertake independent projects in partnership with land managers. For more than 10 years, he has served as an extraordinary partner in several VOC adopt programs, especially in the Mt. Evans Wilderness Area, in which he was instrumental in helping to restore and maintain trails.
Steve is also a regular donor to VOC at the Conservator Level, giving not only generously of his time, but also his financial resources. Such exemplary achievements over the years have earned Steve several honors, including the Mt. Elbert Club award, Mentor of the Year award and Volunteer of the Year award.
Learn more about volunteer leadership with VOC.