Gather a group, get outside and give back with 

Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado (VOC)

Thank you for your interest in participating in VOC's Team Stewardship Day Program. Volunteering with your colleagues is a great way to improve Colorado's outdoor places while engaging in a fun challenge with your team. 

Before requesting a Team Stewardship Day below, please note:

There is a required minimum contribution of $3,000 for up to 30 volunteers to help VOC cover the costs to organize a custom volunteer project for your group beyond the scope of our public project season. Additional costs may be incurred for more than 30 people. If you are unable to make this financial contribution, please contact us and we will work with you to help meet your volunteer engagement goals.

Your volunteer group needs to have a minimum of 15 participants in order for VOC to plan a custom project for you. 

Please plan to volunteer on a weekday. Due to the majority of our public projects falling on weekends, we have limited capacity to add additional work on weekends. Weekdays tend to garner stronger participation from individuals looking for a way to volunteer with their colleagues. Projects are generally half-day unless otherwise requested.

If you would like to offer food during the project, we ask you to arrange that directly with a restaurant or caterer. VOC will not provide food, except pre-packaged snacks and water.


We are accepting requests for 2025. It takes 6-8 weeks of planning from start to finish. If you want a Spring 2025 project, please let us know as soon as possible. Projects generally take place in the Denver Metro area/Foothills.

Please answer the following questions so we can best determine if and how we can match an appropriate, safe, and rewarding volunteer project to your group’s needs.

Corporate SWAT

Questions? Contact Molly at 303-715-1010 ext. 115.

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