The VOC project selection process strives to select a diverse slate of projects that address agency and partner organization priorities, provide a safe, fun, and rewarding volunteer experience, and meet local community needs.

Please review our project selection criteria and application process below before you apply to partner with VOC on a project.

Although you may submit applications at any time of the year, we ask that applications for 2025 projects be submitted by October 15, 2024.



The criteria below will help you determine if your project may be a good volunteer opportunity with VOC.

Not all criteria listed are required for VOC to commit to a project but they serve as a helpful guide.

Project Criteria:

  • There is a critical need for the project such as high visitation, environmental degradation (including damage from fires or floods), threats to wildlife, water, or other resources, local community considerations, etc.
  • It has been identified as a high priority for your agency/organization/community.
  • The work can be accomplished in the agreed-to time frame and during our field season (April through October).
  • The project will provide a rewarding, enjoyable, and safe volunteer experience.
  • There are opportunities for local community involvement.
  • There are additional educational and/or recreational opportunities associated with the project.
  • All required environmental studies such as NEPA will be completed before project planning begins. 
  • Your organization can assist in securing funding, sponsorships, grants, and/or other project resources such as in-kind support.


Required minimum project commitments include:


  • Act as the liaison between your agency/organization and VOC.
  • Ensure that an agency/organization representative is either on-site or available during project day(s).
  • Conduct an initial project review in 2024 through our scouting process and 1-2 site visits with the VOC project team in 2025.
  • Provide any required project materials (e.g., lumber, plants, seed), though exceptions can be made if necessary.
  • Work with VOC to provide appropriate emergency planning and response. Specific requirements may vary depending on project location.
  • Provide sufficient parking for all projects and camping areas for overnight projects.
  • Arrange for water and sanitation services including trash removal and recycling. All toilet facilities must be provided by our project partners. Except in the case of a backcountry project, exceptions are rarely made.
  • Assist in planning a low-impact and/or zero-waste project.
  • Assist with local community outreach and volunteer recruitment, if needed.
  • Help VOC show appreciation for project volunteers.


Contact Vanessa Casas at 303-715-1010 ext. 129 for any questions or assistance with your application.


Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Projects will be reviewed and selected as they come in.

Although you may submit applications at any time of the year, we ask that applications for 2025 projects be submitted by October 15, 2024. Please try to submit as soon as possible to allow time for project scouting (especially for high-altitude projects so scouting can occur before winter conditions set in). If you have concerns regarding this deadline, please reach out to Vanessa Casas via email or by phone (303-715-1010, ext. 129).


Before Submitting Your Project

  • We recommend familiarizing yourself with VOC projects. Click here to view the current project schedule.
  • Review the services VOC provides to partners here.
  • Review our Project Selection Criteria to ensure your project is a good fit.


After Submitting Your Project

  • You will receive an initial confirmation upon submitting your project application. After your application is reviewed, you will be contacted by a VOC staff member or volunteer project scout to schedule a site visit and discuss your proposal in greater detail.
  • Once a decision has been made, you will be notified by a VOC staff member if your project has been accepted or declined. We will make every effort possible to decide in a timely manner once your application is received; all notifications will be made by the end of the 2024 calendar year.


If Your Project is Selected

  • If your project is selected, it will go through a scheduling process at the end of 2024/beginning of 2025. During this period, VOC coordinates with all project partners to determine the best calendar of projects for the coming season.
  • Upon selection of a project date, the final agreed-upon details relating to funding, logistics, and the scope of work will be entered into a Scope of Service Agreement that both VOC and partners will review and sign.
  • Finally, your agency/organization will be asked to appoint a representative to serve on the VOC project team assigned to your project. Together the team will help plan, organize, and implement the project; this may include participating in conference calls, site visits, and additional meetings as needed.

Contact Vanessa Casas at 303-715-1010 ext. 129 for any questions or assistance with your application.

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