As we prepare for the retirement of Ann Baker Easley, VOC's CEO for 15 years, we are reflecting on the legacy she leaves behind. This reflection was shared by Bob Van Wetter, who served on VOC's Board of Directors from 2008 - 2012, including as chair of the Board from 2011 - 2012.
My friend and predecessor on the VOC board, Peter Kirsch, has already told the story of Ann addressing a group of Denver businesspeople in Spanish. I was at that gathering and that was when I first met Ann. This made an impression on me as well and I think that it establishes Ann as a legend. At least from the perspective of two slightly-past-middle-aged white guys.
After her opening remarks Ann was kind enough to translate the gist of her message: The state of Colorado is becoming a destination not just for outdoor-loving active professionals but also for people of color and those with diverse backgrounds. The future, she said, will see every aspect of life in Colorado change in remarkable ways. VOC must become an organization that can grow to meet the new challenges to how we all access the outdoors, but also to remain relevant to younger people, people of color, and people who use the outdoors differently than your average weekend hiker. How right she was. One result of that meeting is that I signed up to be on the board of VOC.
I’ve often thought about how remarkable that experience was because of my then pre-conceived idea about what kind of organization VOC was. I am a lifelong hiker and a huge fan of readily accessible and spectacular Colorado open spaces. The other attendees at the gathering were a lot like me. White, privileged and of the impression that VOC hosted trail building expeditions for rugged outdoor enthusiasts with an extra weekend to spare. While that was certainly the demographic that supported VOC in its early years, the brand of VOC today could not be more different.
During my time with VOC, first as a board member then as board chair, I got to watch Ann do what she does best – bring a truly big picture perspective to articulate a vision, make a compelling case for support, and put the people and energy in place to see it through to success. Master multitasker comes to mind as I think about Ann in her role at VOC. So many moving parts – all working together. Yet even as VOC and the expert and dedicated staff executes each season of trail building better than the last, VOC is also relentless in reaching for ways to build our community in the context of changing priorities, explosive population growth, and urgent environmental needs. I loved my years as a VOC board member because I was part of that excitement and I learned from Ann as she applied her leadership, energy, and optimism to a challenging and rewarding cause. Thank you Ann.
Save the date for VOC's 7th Annual Uniquely Colorado event on Thursday, October 14th, where we will celebrate Ann's contributions to Colorado's stewardship community and look to the future of VOC. Until then, we encourage you to share your farewell wishes, favorite memories, and more on our online card for Ann.
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