Cairn students joined Wildlands Restoration Volunteers and Left Hand Outdoor Challenge students in a Snowshoeing and Winter Skills Challenge Day hosted by Boulder County at Reynolds Ranch in Nederland. Boulder County Rangers led students in practice scenarios on how to treat cold-related injuries, along with the common signs and symptoms. These scenarios were practiced in very relevant conditions as the wind chill this day dropped temperatures on an otherwise sunny day!
Cairn students had a fun sighting of a vole scampering along the forest floor, along with moose scat and tracks.
To practice other survival scenarios, students were also able to light small, contained fires using different methods of ignition. After lunch, students were allowed to choose between joining a snowshoe hike led by volunteer naturalists or try their hand at making Quinzhee Hut snow shelters. We thank the staff, volunteers, and LHOC students of Boulder County for hosting this event and providing an amazing learning experience for our students!
We’d also like to thank REI for supplying all the snowshoes for our Cairn students and mentors!
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